Rassegna Stampa

 - La Stampa

Listening to them in the Sinfonia Concertante K.297b do by Mozart is a real pleasure: the partecipation, enthusiasm, smoothness oh sounds and shades, the melodic intensity of the singing posses a fantasy and an overall taste which deeply please the listener.
Each note becomes a combination of discoveries and unexpected tunes, not to mention the great skill which goes beyond the earthly emotions that can be found in lots of Mozart works.
An uncoditional freedom although  finally very harmonious with wonderful sound combinations that the interpreter has to undertsand and play perfectly.
As the five of Italian "Quintetto". 

 - La Stampa

Yesterday's concert give Caludio Gonella the opportunity to let the public appreciate his excellent qualities in a beautiful sonata of Saint-Saëns performed in a wonderful manner which makes us miss a vast solo basson literature...

 - L'Adige

Those fine phrasings with delicate touches, emphasize by a soft quality of sound and a perfect technique, by extremely communicative gesture expressiveness; different featureswhich make Claudio Gonella one of most promising italian soloists..

 - Radiocorriere TV

In the Saint-Saëns Sonata he shows a surprising maturity both from a technical ad stylistic point of view...

 - Il Giornale

In the concert by W.A. Mozart K191 he proves to be a virtuoso of excellent ability for the delicate sound and easiness of performing difficult passages...

 - L'Unità

Claudio Gonella soloist in the Concert K191 by W.A. Mozart brilliantly succeeded in overcoming a difficult performance with the valuable help of the orchestra and director...

 - La Repubblica

Excellent not only technically but in his melodic expression as well, very beautiful, fine sound, well executed phrasing without any affectedness...

 - Paese Sera

..in the brillant duetto concertino for clarinet, basson and orchestra, Stoltzman was accompanied by the bassonist Claudio Gonella, a promising musician of international fame.

 - Il Secolo XIX

Listening to the compact disc (sold in the specialized shops) we can immediately grasp the sound of Paganini mixed to a relaxing atmosphere and a pleasant melodramatic taste, the same atmosphere of delicate time with a continuos change of expressions.
The overall execution has the performance guarantee of two artists of the fame of Accardo and Gonella and includes the participation of pianist Bruno Canino, performer of the "Cantabile in Re Maggiore" MS109 (the only composition by Paganini which has reached us in manuscript form) and the Rossini Elegy in Re maggiore "Un mot à Paganini", late and well-known gift of the artist from Pesaro (included in "péches de viellesse") to the great departed friend

 - Neue Banater Zeitung

The italian Claudio Gonella has performed the concert for bassoon K191 by W.A. Mozart letting us understand how a youthful work could become great through interpretation.
About all through a pleasant and soft sound and the by rich tunes and good phasing. 

 - Corriere Adriatico